
Create Azure VM and install NGINX on VM via Azure CLI – Practice Lab

Create Azure VM and install NGINX on VM via Azure CLI – Practice Lab

In this video, we will learn about how to create an azure VM and its resources from scratch via Azure CLI.
This is a beginner’s video. In this, you will learn
1. Create a Resource group via the azure CLI command.
2. Create a virtual machine via the azure CLI command.
3. Run Shell Script to install NGINX via the azure CLI command.
4. Create a Network security group rule(NSG) Inbound rule to Access NGINX via azure CLI command.
5. Access the NGINX web server via public IP in your own browser.

Getting Started with Azure: Deploy Azure VM via Azure CLI
How to Setup VNET and VM in Azure using Azure CLI
Azure CLI Tutorial for Beginners Complete Step-by-Step Guide
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#DevOps #azure #azurecloud #infrastructureascode #beginners

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az group create –name myResourceGroup –location eastus

az vm create –resource-group myResourceGroup –name myVM –image Debian –admin-username azureuser –generate-ssh-keys

az vm create –resource-group NewVMGroup –name nginxVM –image Debian –admin-username azureuser –ssh-key-values ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

az vm run-command invoke -g NewVMGroup -n nginxVM –command-id RunShellScript –scripts “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nginx”

az vm open-port –port 80 –resource-group NewVMGroup –name nginxVM

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