
Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | Conditionals-if/else if/else statements | Chap-1 | Part-13

Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | Conditionals-if/else if/else statements | Chap-1 | Part-13

In this tutorial on Adobe Coldfusion 11, we will continue on with the if/else if/statements. Basically, as we have seen that the if conditioning can be written in two distinct ways in Coldfusion. Coldfusion supports the cfif tags, which implements the usage of word-like operators and Adobe has also introduced the if statements that act like other conditional statements in object-oriented programming languages. This Coldfusion tutorial will demonstrate the procedural usage of if statements. We will briefly also have a look at how to secure our code using conditionals and how Coldfusion helps us with its built-in functions to accomplish our job. After we are done with our code, final step will be to test it by intentional interpolating the query string url.

Powerpoint presentation freely available at: http://www.slideshare.net/ahmnafis/language-basics-coldfusion-primer-chap1

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