
Bancontact – Stripe Checkout with Payment Element in ASP.NET & C#

Stripe Payment Element in ASP.NET & C# | Accept one-time & recurring payments for cards and dozens of other payment methods
Demo: https://techtolia.com/Stripe/New/
Purchase on CodeCanyon for ASP.NET Web Forms: https://1.envato.market/Gjqgkr
Purchase on CodeCanyon for ASP.NET Core MVC: https://1.envato.market/VyVNDa

Accept payment methods from around the globe with a single secure, embeddable UI component. This guide walks you through how to get one-time payments and sell fixed-price subscriptions and provides an example of a well-working integration. Using the codes and documentation in this example, you can customize it according to your needs and integrate it into your own application. You will use Stripe Elements to create a custom payment form that you embed in your app.

Learn how to embed a custom Stripe payment form in your website or application. The client-side and server-side code builds a checkout form with Elements to complete a payment using various payment methods.

The Payment Element is an embeddable UI component that lets you accept up to 18+ payment methods with a single integration. Whether you’re just collecting card payments or dozens of payment methods, the Payment Element is the easiest way to build an embedded and customized payments experience.

– Automatically adjusts input fields to collect information based on the payment method and country.

– Dynamically sorts payment methods based on a customer’s locale and location to optimize for conversion.

– Reduces friction for card payments with input validation, masking, styling and error handling.

– Adds new payment methods without any front-end changes, and gives you access to new payment methods as soon as Stripe supports them.

The application supports 3D Secure 2 for card payments.

Elements are completely customizable. You can style Elements to match the look and feel of your site, providing a seamless checkout/subscription experience for your customers.

Full source code is included.

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