
.NET 6 PostgreSQL and EF Core

.NET 6 PostgreSQL and EF Core

In this video we will be going through some basic database concepts as well how we can integrate PostgreSQL with .NET 6 utilising Entity Framework Core

00:00 Intro
01:23 PostgreSQL Installation and Configuration
12:00 .Net 6 Installation
15:03 Creating the project
19:04 Installing Packages
21:22 Setting up connection string
24:22 Designing the Database
35:07 Creating DbContext
39:12 Injecting DbContext in Program.cs
44:06 Creating the Models
53:03 Update DbContext and Setting up table relationships
01:03:27 Installing PostgreSQL tool in VS Code
01:06:20 Creating Migration script
01:09:17 Updating the PostgreSQL Database
01:11:02 What is EFMigrationHistory table?
01:15:05 Outro

Some helpful videos
.Net Middleware: https://youtu.be/vMkTQgAL6w0
Dependency Injection: https://youtu.be/RTAwZbSmXVg

Source code

.Net 6 SDK: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet

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I’m Mohamad, a technical architect working in Manchester, UK. I make videos about web, cloud, desktop and mobile development.

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#WebApi #dotnet #PostgresSQL

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