
Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration (Finally!)

Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration (Finally!)

Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration with a managed switch. The 1.3 update of SRM now supports vlans. There are a few caveats though. Watch this video to learn more.

Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration is relatively easy to do and Synology, as always, have made everything aligned and consistent. the entire Vlan creation process is very “Synology designed”. This makes this new functionality feels very familiar.

With the new Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration we are finally able to logically split out single physical network into several virtual networks and make these new networks consistent with our existing managed switches.

There are several caveats with the Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration that you need to be aware and take into account. These caveats are explained in the video so make sure to pay attention as some of these caveats might impact you vlan design.

Overall, Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration is a very welcomed change but it might be too little too late for some users who have already migrated to other network vendors that support vlans from the start and couldn’t wait till late 2022 to receive this functionality.

On this note, it looks like Synology have, for some reason, missed the vlans train since all its competitors including the company that starts with Q have already been supporting vlans in consumer networking gear for several years.

Other than that, the Synology SRM 1.3 Vlan Configuration is solid and works as expected and really gives the Synology routers a new power boost and for the RT2600ac, a second chance in life.

#synology #network #vlan

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Video Index:
0:00 Intro
1:20 What we are trying to achieve
3:20 Creating vlans in SRM
10:43 Setting up vlans on a managed switch
14:30 Testing vlan functionality
15:24 Summary .

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