
TT CFA POD Adobe ColdFusion Dev Week 2021 Revealed

TT CFA POD Adobe ColdFusion Dev Week 2021 Revealed

Kishore Balakrishnan talks about “Adobe ColdFusion Dev Week 2021 Revealed” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.

Show notes
What exactly is CF Dev Week 
3 days of online CF goodness
8 sessions per day over several timezone, with breaks during the day to keep up with home or work
Not just webinars – interact with other CFers, CF engineering team, sponsors
One place where all CF devs, designers, decision-makers and thought leaders come together
Meet the CF engineering team
Network with other CFers
Replaces the in person event CF Summit East (due to the pandemic)
Recording too
Why all CFer should go?

23 sessions from top CFers

How many years has CF Dev Week been running?
6 years
Why is it so important to the CF community?
Shows Adobe is fully backing CF
Show new features in new CF 2021 release
Seeing who is using CF and cool ways they are using
Community building
Revealing the Speakers and topics that you are excited about
How – open call for speakers – committee led by Kishore, Elishia, Dan Wilson, Brian Klaas, Mark Takata
Giancarlo Gomez – WebSockets 101 : An Introduction to WebSockets on ColdFusion 
Mike Collins – ColdFusion Scaling 
Corbin Crutchley – Using ColdFusion APIs in Expo Mobile Apps
Luis Majano – Building modern web apps with ContentBox Modular CMS
Brian Sappey – API MP
Pete Freitag – Securing ColdFusion Applications
Cloud Features in CF 2021 – CF engin
Dave Ferguson – NoSQL, solving your relationship problems one model at a time
Brian Sappey – CI/CD Framework
Charlie Arehart – ColdFusion at 25: not the kid most have stuck in their minds
Rey Bango – Security Session
Sami Hoda – What’s New at AWS in 2021
Burke Holland – I was wrong about Azure
Mike Brunt – Java – Write Once Run Anywhere – JVM – Not “Out Of The Box Ready”!
Ben Nadel – Feature Flags Change Everything About Product Development
Ray Camden – Extending PDF Capabilities with Adobe Document Services
Brian Klaas – Developing apps with Queues and Pub/Sub Mechanisms (SQS, SNS, RabbitMQ, etc)
David Byers – ColdFusion Modernization Challenges – Improving Legacy Code while Retaining Your Sanity
Mark Takata – The CIO’s Perspective: ColdFusion 2021 By the Numbers
Mark Takata – RAD SPAs w/ CF & JS
David Tattersall – Become an Application SUPERHERO – Reduce technical debt impact and keep applications performing as they should
Keynote – CF 2021 and the next version – Asish Garg
Mitrah Soft
Lucid Outsourcing Solutions
Fusion Reactor
Mark Takata – the new CF developer Evangelist 
CF Certification online
Take any time

Tue 22 – Thu 24 June, 2021
US time zones
Immediate recordings
Completely free
Register at https://adobe.vconfex.com/ 
Other CF Events
CF Summit online December
How is CF as a business doing?
New customers
20% over target 
What are the other things that we could expect this year?

Mentioned in this episode
CF Dev Week website  
CF Certification 
CF 2021 new features (CF Alive pod)
State of Union survey 

Kishore Balakrishnan is a Principal Product Marketing Manager at Adobe Systems with a Master Degree in Computer Applications. At Adobe he has held roles of a Quality Manager, Program Manager before becoming the Product Marketing Manager. He enjoys being the ‘voice of the customer’ within the organization, liaise with sales team to facilitate the selling process and clearly communicates the why, what and when to the marketplace for CF. He lives in Bangalore with his wife and kid. Kishore loves his long runs and cooking.

Twitter https://twitter.com/kishore31 
FB https://www.facebook.com/kishoreb 
Email kishore (at) adobe.com
adobeconfusion (at) adobe.com

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