
Super Apache Hunter-Killer Team

Super Apache Hunter-Killer Team

The latest variant of the Apache helicopter, the AH-64E version 6, aims to prove its dominance over the skies in an increasingly complex battlefield with its latest innovation, the MUM-T or Manned-Unmanned Teaming ability capability. And it appears to have achieved its purpose.

The Boeing Apache, already equipped with a 30-millimeter M230 chaingun, Hellfire missiles, Hydra 70 rocket pods, night vision, and state of the art target-acquisition system, has turned into the ultimate predator thanks to MUM-T, a groundbreaking system that allows a single helicopter to control swarms of drones to track, hunt down, and terminate its targets without the support of additional pilots.

With MUM-T, a crew of just two men can coordinate dozens of unmanned aerial vehicles to gather intelligence, attack an enemy position from different fronts, destroy fighters on the move, or support special forces during classified operations with perfect order and coordination.

If the system is properly used, one single Apache crew can make the enemy believe that it’s being attacked by an entire army after witnessing the countless drones dropping ordnance and cutting off the escape route with devastating firepower. What’s more, once the attack is over, the Apache will show up to finish the job.

It appears as though the ultimate goal of making the Apache a self-contained attack drone strike force has come full circle with MUM-T, but according to the Army, the program is just getting started…

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