how to setup and configure MSSQL SERVER WITH Best practices IN HINDI


Best practices are not just applicable for SQL Server; it is also to be done at Operating System, DISK/SAN level and Network level. So, we can divide the best practice or health checks into below categories.

Operating System/SAN/Network Best Practices – SQL Server is one of the Operating System process and will heavily depends on its functioning and management. So, need to verify and enable any settings which can help SQL Server performance or avoid any issues.

Below are the some of the Operating System checks that can be performed on server with SQL Server installed.

– Make sure latest Operating System patches and security updates are installed on the system.

– Add SQL Server service account to “Lock Pages in Memory” local security policy, which basically reduces the chances of Operating System paging out or trimming SQL Server memory working set. On a VMWare server, it is more important, so that the memory is not taken back from the SQL Server by the VMWare balloon driver.

– Configure paging file to 1.5 times of available physical memory for servers will less amount of RAM, as these servers will use paging file at some point in time, but the best approach would be to increase the memory on the server. On servers with large amount of RAM, we do not need to have huge paging file, instead set paging file to same size of physical memory, just in case to grab the kernel dump in case of server crash.

– Starting with Windows Server 2008 R2, power plan is available to configure. There are normally three types of power plans available which are Balanced (this is default setting), High Performance, and Power Saver. For Servers running SQL Server, it is recommended to use High Performance power plan. This change may look simple but is very powerful and can show significant performance gains. This option needs to be enabled from control panel and also at the NetBios level for it to show real effect. On VMWare systems, this has to be implemented on the ESX host server as well.

– Add SQL Server service account to “Perform volume maintenance tasks” local security policy, which basically enabled “Database Instant File Initialization”. Without this privilege, SQL Server will first zero out all data file before using it, which can show affect on performance on highly transaction systems. Log files cannot benefit from this, as this only works for data files. This helps very much on servers where auto-growth is enabled for database and is there is auto­ growth that happens during business hours when system is being under load.

– Review installed Software’s, Applications, and Services on the server and Uninstall or Disable those which are not required, as they can use some resources too.