
How NOT to Break your Debian System

How NOT to Break your Debian System

Do you want to know How NOT to Break your Debian System?
From this video you will learn how to maintain your Debian system and what you should NOT do.

To maintain healthy Debian follow these rules:

1. Install software only from Debian repositories and try to avoid installing software from random websites.
2. Do NOT combine Debian Stable with other Debian branches.
3. Do NOT use Ubuntu packages and repositories in Debian.
4. Do NOT install drivers using manufacturer install scripts.
5.Do NOT suffer from Shiny New Stuff Syndrome.
6. Be careful with removing software.
7. Be careful with installing software.
8. Do NOT blindly follow online tutorials.

If you have anything to add to these rules, please leave a comment. Everyone will appreciate it.

You can find more information on how not to break your debian at https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian

To install Ubuntu packages in Debian follow this guide https://wiki.debian.org/CreatePackageFromPPA


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