
Yandex Webmaster Tools – Creating an account with Yandex

Yandex Webmaster Tools – Creating an account with Yandex


Webmaster Tools
Yandex Webmaster Tools
Search Engine Optimization

#1 – https://youtu.be/0zttw8pbJw4
#2 – https://youtu.be/6MG4fqCWFV4
#3 – https://youtu.be/93_2iCMjMf4
#4 – https://youtu.be/a5vn-aV31Zg

Hello everyboday!

Well now that Staxio is able to talk and connect with Yandex, and for those who are unfamiliar: Yandex is the Russian equivalente of Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools… they are all search engines we can work with to crawl and index our properties…
I’m going to try in this video to help you create a Yandex account and connect it with Staxio.

You will only need to do this once, and won’t need to worry about ever again. You will have your own Yandex login, and your own authentication keys that Staxio needs in order to enable some really interesting features I will be showing in later videos about the webmasters dashboard.

So the first thing we need is to create an account on passport.yandex.com…
and I’m gonna recommend you use the Chrome browser here because of the built-in translation feature we get when we right click on any page, and this is because thru this process of getting the API keys, we will find pages that will be in Russian only and we need a way to understand what’s on those pages.

So type in this address: passport.yandex.com… and then click on the Create ID button, or login to your account should you already have one.

This is a very simple registration form, and you’re gonna need a mobile number, and in case you’re wondering it doesn’t have to be a russian number, can be any number from any country… So go ahead and fill out this form with your details, press the register button and follow any steps thereafter, Yandex will be most probably be sending you a confirmation text code to your phone….

Now I already have mine created and you’re gonna watch me login into it, but it should only take you a few minutes to get your login.

And now that we’ve logged in successfully, our next step is to access this address: https://oauth.yandex.ru/

and here is where we will be creating our Yandex API keys.

To translate this page, right click with your mouse anywhere on the page, and select “translate to english”

As you can see, I already have an application created, (and if you have just created yours, you will see an empty list of registered applications here…) and this “RIGHTS” here column is showing the settings I have enabled on my application, and these are the settings you should replicate on yours.

I recommend that you pause this video and take a screenshot of these settings, as you will be needing to enable them on the next page when we click on the “Register New Application” button.

Let’s translate this page with a right click of our mouse “translate to english”…

And now we’re gonna fill out this form.

For the application name, type in “Staxio App”
For the application description, type in “Staxio App”

On “Platforms” select “Webservices” and the callbackURI we get from inside Staxio, so if you go to your Staxio Settings page, on the Yandex Card you should see a “CallBack URL” link, select and copy this link, and then paste it back here on the Yandex CALLBACK URI field.

Moving on to the “ACCESS” section, this is where the screenshot we took from the previous step comes in handy.

Open the screenshot and tick the checkboxes from that list by expanding each section, so for example on the Yandex.Webmaster section we enable them all, etc. etc.

And when that’s done, we click the “CREATE APPLICATION” button.
You should now have an existing application on the list of registered applications.

Inside our new application we now have 2 keys we need to copy into our Yandex settings card on Staxio :
– the ID key and the password key

Select and copy the ID key into the CLIENT ID field, and the password key into the CLIENT SECRET field.

Click save and voilá!

We are now able to work with another search engine we can leverage to help us crawl and index our digital properties.

Follow us :
Website: https://staxio.tools
Youtube: http://bit.ly/staxiovids

Thank you!
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