Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2018: Michaela Light Keynote

Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2018: Michaela Light Keynote

Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2018: Michaela Light Keynote

Michaela Light was one of the keynote speakers at the Adobe CF Summit 2018, at Las Vegas.
Don’t listen to what some people say. I’m here to show you that ColdFusion is a vibrant and modern language for complex, data-driven enterprise apps. While some companies have abandoned ColdFusion as dying, more visionary dev teams have embraced CF. Learn how they are making it the most modern, secure and state-of-the-art web development ecosystem. Bar none.

Join in by:

Reading the book: CF Alive: Making ColdFusion Modern, Vibrant and Secure
Listening to the CF Alive podcast
Joining the CF Alive Inner Circle FB group
Taking action to make CF more alive and modern (using any of the myriad of ideas in the book, podcast and group)

Join the CF Alive Revolution and you can:

Modernize your legacy CF apps with 14 best practices for easy-to-maintain apps
Discover 27 state-of-the-art tools from my hand-picked list that will make you more efficient at CF development
Inspire others developers and young programmers with our proven 21 outreach methods
Learn 8 keys to improve CF Marketing and be proud of using ColdFusion
Contribute to making CF more alive

Together we can make CF more modern, vibrant and secure this year!

In all reality, TeraTech has never had any problem finding CF developers and projects. For others, it was a different story. We sent out our annual survey, “The State of the CF Union”, and the answers we received were shocking.

The biggest concern we received was that CF was dead/dying/legacy. That’s what got me motivated. I wanted to help rebuild the state of ColdFusion and the community’s perception of it. So, the CF Alive revolution was born.

In the State of CF Union Survey 2018 (Amazing Final Results & Analysis) I asked:

What aspects of CF are preventing you or your company from embracing CF?

The top concern, which was given by 72% of the participants, say that is is because CF is seen as dying/legacy.

I am committed to changing his perception in both the book, Inner Circle group and the CF Alive podcast!

CF Wanted Dead or Alive
Sometimes it seems that ColdFusion is being targeted by one of those old Wild West Wanted Posters that say “Wanted, Dead or Alive, CF – Reward”:

Some naysayers have said that ColdFusion was dying for the last 10 years. But it is not only still Alive; it is thriving and is now the most modern and secure web development ecosystem. Learn details on why CF is Alive in the following chapters and how you can be a part of making it even more so this year.

CF never went away. Some people might have said it was doomed but you knew in your heart that it would be triumphant in the end. This actually says a lot about the quality and experience that CF developers have developed over the years!

ColdFusion is a vibrant and modern language. I invite you to discover how in the upcoming chapters. We are proud that it is thriving and is the most state-of-the-art, reliable and secure web development ecosystem available. Bar none.

We are confidently coding easy to maintain apps in CF. Enlivened by using a tried and trusted language. Unleashing the full efficiency of using ColdFusion in our work. We inspire other developers and young programmers to explore the power of CF.

Language Shame
ColdFusion is sometimes considered less cool and less “sexy” to code in, unlike some other newer languages or even the languages that are a similar age to CF such as PHP and Java. Developers often have a shame-y tone when talking about CFML. It is one of the main reasons for the CF’s dying threads. This is a roadblock for re-establishing CF as a leader.

Once more CFers are proud of using and sharing their achievements with CF on blogs and social media, this will improve. By evangelizing what you have created in CF and publishing packages on ForgeBox or GitHub, CFML will also become more popular. It is wrong to think that one should be just humble and do your thing without self- promoting and standing up for CF when it is questioned. You’re promoting not just yourself but also advocating for CF, and thus making sure ColdFusion stays alive.