086 Adobe ColdFusion 2018 (All that is new) with Kishore Balakrishnan

086 Adobe ColdFusion 2018 (All that is new) with Kishore Balakrishnan

086 Adobe ColdFusion 2018 (All that is new) with Kishore Balakrishnan

Kishore Balakrishnan talks about “Adobe ColdFusion 2018 (All that is new)” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light. 

Here are some of the topics discussed in this podcast:
Performance improvements
Performance tuning
Server Monitor (NEW)
Flag performance issues and isolate problem areas so that you can initiate corrective action much faster. Know the average response time and throughput across the cluster, or specific to a node, application, or page, in real time. The information will also be automatically archived for historical analysis. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/server-monitor/
Code profiler (NEW)
Swiftly identify and resolve complex performance issues buried deep in your code. Get the detailed information required to pinpoint the root cause of bottlenecks, and troubleshoot applications more effectively. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/code-profiler/
Database Monitor (NEW)
Make sure your database does not act as a drag on application performance. Monitor all database queries, transactions, and query cache, visually, and get pre-determined or customized alerts to pro-actively take preventive or corrective action. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/database-discovery/
External Services Monitor (NEW)
Zero in on external factors such as web services, file system, mail server, LDAP, Microsoft SharePoint, or transfer protocols, that could be slowing down application performance. Ensure that all the components of your IT infrastructure are working in sync. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/external-services/
Automatic connector tuning [NEW]
Ensure that your websites are always up and running. Eliminate 503 Service Unavailable errors by allowing the Performance Monitoring Toolset to dynamically adjust connector settings based on incoming traffic. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/connector-tuning/
Distributed cache (NEW)
Improve performance and enhance scalability by leveraging built-in support for three popular industry engines: JCS, Memcached, and Redis. Also plug in your own caching engine by implementing a simple CFML interface. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/distributed-caching-coldfusion-2018-release
Security tools and improvements
Security code analyzer from CF 2016
Auto lockdown (NEW)
Now implement lockdown of your production server with a single click. All steps in the lockdown guide will be systematically followed, ensuring that the security measures are fail-safe and in compliance. Post-lockdown, the system will continue to be monitored for potential breaches. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/server-auto-lockdown/
New Language features:
Asynchronous programming (NEW)
Boost the performance of your principal application by offloading resource-intensive code segments to a secondary thread. Simply use the RUNASYNC function to execute code without the overhead of managing multiple threads. Once the result is ready to be consumed, you will receive a notification. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/asynchronous-programming-in-coldfusion-2018-release/
Modern admin UI (NEW)
Enjoy a sleek, new responsive UI built on single web page architecture. Carry out all admin tasks faster with easier access to all the ColdFusion settings—just search for what you need. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/new-administrator-ui-coldfusion/
External storage for session scope (New)
Eliminate concerns about memory constraints to store session data because you can now configure an external distributed store to retain session data outside memory. Get rid of sticky session configuration, and enjoy complete load balancing across all cluster nodes.
REST playground (NEW)
Create and manage all your REST services from a single application. The simple, intuitive UI makes it a breeze to validate the accuracy of your APIs. Make changes to your REST APIs without having to restart your application. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/rest-playground-ion-2018-release/
CLI and Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) (NEW)
Work with files, databases, and email, or invoke web services, by executing CFM via the command line. Now execute the admin API from the CLI to script your ColdFusion server settings. Test-drive or learn CFML with REPL support in CLI. More at https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/07/repl-coldfusion-2018-release/
Command-line interface (New)
Work faster by using CFML for your scripting needs. Execute CFM files via the command line to work with files, databases and email or invoke web services. Pass named or positional parameters to the CFM files for dynamic customization.
Comment exchange across files (New)