
Cross Platform Development in Visual Studio 2019 (Xamarin Android IOS UWP)

Cross Platform Development in Visual Studio 2019 (Xamarin Android IOS UWP)

Cross Platform Mobile Development in Visual Studio 2019 (Xamarin Android IOS UWP)
Xamarin is an open-source platform for building modern and performant applications for iOS, Android, and Windows with .NET. Xamarin is an abstraction layer that manages communication of shared code with underlying platform code. Xamarin runs in a managed environment that provides conveniences such as memory allocation and garbage collection.
Xamarin enables developers to share an average of 90% of their application across platforms. This pattern allows developers to write all of their business logic in a single language (or reuse existing application code) but achieve native performance, look, and feel on each platform.
Xamarin.Forms apps for iOS and Android can be deployed to the relevant platforms as described above.
Using Visual Studio also means you can test apps for the Universal Windows Platform (on Windows 10) directly on the development computer.
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