Customized Cloud Hosted Desktop (DaaS) & VDI Solution By Ace Cloud Hosting

Customized Cloud Hosted Desktop (DaaS) & VDI Solution By Ace Cloud Hosting

Customized Cloud Hosted Desktop (DaaS) & VDI Solution By Ace Cloud Hosting

The current workplace is evolving. With Bring Your Own Device and Work from Home as the new normal, organizations are changing their way of work with changing times. However, the new workplace norms bring along new security challenges, deployment & monitoring complications, and troubleshooting challenges for the IT team.

Choosing Hosted Desktop & VDI solutions for your business can overcome all these challenges. A plus for you is that the plans are customizable to suit your business requirements.

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Benefits of opting for Ace Cloud Hosting’s Customized Cloud Hosted Desktop (DaaS) & VDI Solution

*Anytime anywhere access*

Ace cloud hosting’s completely managed DaaS solution helps the organization ensure their employees get secure access to data and applications anytime, anywhere, and from any device without compromising on security.

DaaS solutions host virtual desktops and applications in data centers spread across the world. The virtual desktops are streamed from the data center to the end-user device with the help of an internet connection.

The virtual desktops can be accessed from a web browser or a downloadable application on a PC/laptop. Organizations can brand their login page with their logos.

*Security and Managed Services*

ACE’s Managed DaaS solution can completely manage your virtual desktop and application environment where you need not worry about anything. Our expert solution consultants will develop an architecture that suits your needs, design policies & system settings that are consistent with your requirements, and maintain the environment for a pleasant non-stop experience.

Since these policies and system settings are not attached to the end-user hardware but to the end-user profile, we can guarantee a safe, secure, and compliant virtual desktop environment irrespective of the device used by the end-user.

*Some security features of our DaaS solution are*

Restricting USB access, printing, scanning, copying & pasting to secure the endpoints.
Restrict access to some websites, applications based on requirements
Intrusion Detection System/ Intrusion Prevention System
DDoS mitigation

DaaS solution is ideal for any size and type of industry. At ACE, we help our customers by managing all the components of virtual desktops, so that our customers can be more productive & efficient at all times. We also support our customers with our award-winning support that is available through chats, emails, and phone. Contact ACE to know more about our services.

#CloudDesktop #DaaS #VDI

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