
🔴 Complete JavaScript Tutorial In Hindi for Beginners With Projects ( Part-2 )

Important Tutorial Link

Javascript for Beginners Part-1: https://youtu.be/1kUoOLZ0g6g

Advanced Javascript: Yet to be uploaded.

Javascript PlayList: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjpp5kBQLNTSvHo6Rp4Ky0X8x_MabmKye

HTML Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QXPWs00RD3A
CSS Tutorial: https://youtu.be/WyxzAU3p8CE
Tips for Developer: https://youtu.be/OYMjeZt1T4g
HTML and CSS Project: https://youtu.be/WHgRcRJJOSI
Hosting Website: https://youtu.be/72FNoKoKOqc
Photoshop Tutorial: https://youtu.be/BxX1xUrG_z8

If you want to become a web developer, you have to learn JavaScript. Learn Complete JavaScript in Hindi & Urdu. This is step by step easy Course for beginner to Advanced. If you want to learn web programming language Javascript then this is the Complete Course For Beginners to start JS, you can start learning Java script at home as this video cover following topics :


00:00:28 Section 51: Change Attribute
00:05:51 Section 52: Change inline style
00:12:50 Section 53: Get computed css
00:17:48 Section 54: Change CSS Classes
00:30:43 Section 55: Get Width and Heigh of Element
00:34:09 Section 56: Dom Events in Javascript
00:49:09 Section 57: Remove Event Listner in Javascript
00:53:05 Section 58: Page Load Events in Javascript
01:00:08 Section 59: Mouse Events
01:06:36 Section 60: Key Down Events
01:10:42 Section 61: Scroll Events
01:20:42 Section 62: Events on Form
01:30:26 Section 63: Events Bubbling and Event Capuring
01:45:54 Section 64: Prevent Default in js
01:51:58 Section 65: BOM- Browser Object Model
01:58:38 Section 66: Window Object in Javascript
02:14:40 Section 67: Time out and Time interval in javascript
02:23:59 Section 68: Location object in javascript
02:33:27 Section 69: Navigator object in js
02:38:00 Section 70: screen object in js
02:41:29 Section 71: Project-1 (Temperature Converter)
03:05:40 Section 72: Project-2 (Word Counter)
03:29:44 Section 73: Project-3 (Background Color Switcher)
03:47:55 Section 74: Project-4 (Sticky Menu Bar)
04:01:34 Section 75: Project-5 (Form Validation)
04:24:41 Section 76: Project-6 (Image Slider)
05:00:08 Section 77: Project-7 (Stopwatch)

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in 2021. In this Video Tutorial series I will giving you full training about Javascript from basic to advance level with easy and best explanation. A lot of people are learning JavaScript to become front-end and/or back-end developers. If you like this tutorial in Hindi do leave us a comment. I’ve designed this JavaScript tutorial for beginners to learn JavaScript from scratch.

Whether you’re a beginner and want to learn to code, or you know any programming language and just want to learn JavaScript for web development, this tutorial helps you learn JavaScript fast.

You don’t need any prior experience with JavaScript or any other programming languages. Just watch this JavaScript tutorial to the end and you’ll be writing JavaScript code in no time.

You can also use JavaScript on the back-end using Node. Node is a run-time environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. With Node and Express (a popular JavaScript framework), you can build back-end of web and mobile applications.

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