
Domain Name Registrations at Affordable Rates with Hostinq1 Australia

Domain Name Registrations at Affordable Rates with Hostinq1 Australia

With Hostinq1 Australia, you can find a brand–new domain for your personal site for a cost you are going to like. You are able to pick out from over 50 generic and country–code domain extensions. To get control over all of your domains, you’ll have our user friendly Domain Names Manager tool accessible. It will allow you to promptly modify your WHOIS info, to route a domain to a new host, to transfer a domain you’ve registered someplace else and much more.

At Hostinq1, we do not just offer domains. We provide top level domain management solutions. We also provide an affordable domain with any of our cloud hosting plans.

The Best Loading Speeds for Your Sites in Australia and Oceania

Following many weeks of in–depth looking, we’ve eventually found and made our decision of Australia based data center that fits our high criteria as related to connectivity, power and cooling options. The Amaze datacenter, situated in the heart of Australia’s largest city – Sydney.

Using our Australia based data center, you’ll be able to enjoy outstanding website loading rates for the websites you’ve hosted there. Furthermore, as we’ve been allowed to build our personal internal network, we do guarantee you a 99.9% network uptime for any web site and any server which is situated in our Australia based data center.

At the Australia based data center we offer shared services, OpenVZ virtual private servers and Linux semi-dedicated servers. So, whether you are seeking to host a personal site, such as a blog, a portfolio, a tiny online store, a large company site, a media–rich site or perhaps, a development server – we’ve got you covered!

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#AustraliaWebHosting #DomainNameRegistrations #AUHosting #AUDomains #DomainNameRegistration

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