Spring MVC Form Handling Tutorial (Spring Form Tags in JSP) with Eclipse

Spring MVC Form Handling Tutorial (Spring Form Tags in JSP) with Eclipse

Spring MVC Form Handling Tutorial (Spring Form Tags in JSP) with Eclipse

Learn to code form handling in a Spring MVC application. You will be able to create a Spring MVC project from a Maven archetype in Eclips IDE.

Then code a form page using Spring form tags mixed with JSP and HTML code. Spring form tags used to render HTML form elements like labels, text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown list, text area and submit button.

Then you will learn to code Spring MVC controller with handler method to handle form submission, and finally print the user-entered information to a webpage.

Software programs used in this Spring MVC Form Handling tutorial:
– Java Development Kit (JDK)
– Eclipse IDE
– Apache Tomcat server

Technologies used:
– Maven build
– Spring framework + Spring MVC
– Spring Form Tags + JSP + HTML

You can also learn from a text-based tutorial here: https://www.codejava.net/frameworks/spring/spring-mvc-form-handling-tutorial-and-example

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