
How good is iMac 24" in Android Development?

How good is iMac 24" in Android Development?

#iMac #androidstudio #applesilicon

iMac and Android Studio with M1 support – how well it works? I’ve compared two iMac configurations with two MacBooks to see if it’s worth going with the iMac as a computer for Android development. My tests are in the video.

Android Emulator M1 Preview:

Testing SDK+NDK:
1. Get the repo: https://github.com/Javernaut/ffmpeg-android-maker
2. Fork it.
3. Then declare two variables in the terminal:
4. export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=absolute path to your Android SDK
5. export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=absolute path to your Android NDK
6. Trigger the compilation: ./ffmpeg-android-maker.sh -abis=arm
First try will take longer time because it will download the sources from the internet.
7. Once it’s done, trigger the compilation again and then you may start measuring.

Share your Mac configurations and compiling times in the comments please!

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