
Move in Silence: Staying Quiet in Mature Networks | Cory Wolff | WWHF San Diego 2022

Attend Wild West Hackin’ Fest (WWHF) in Deadwood, In-Person and Virtual!

Security Operations Centers and event monitoring have advanced by leaps and bounds in the past decade. While this is a good thing for cybersecurity as a whole, as red teamers and penetration testers, this means that Metasploit payloads and common tools simply won’t work. Any attempt to drop tools like Mimikatz or Responder will be contained by even the most basic of Antivirus and EDR. Want to kick off an Nmap scan and recon the network? Good luck with that!

Cory Wolff is a red team lead and hacker with decades of experience in IT, security and development. He has been building and breaking all the things since his first computer in 1988 and is probably still reading the Hackers Manifesto. He holds the Offensive Security Certified Professional(OSCP) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certifications and can be found tending to his farm when not wired in.

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