
How to Add Multiple Domains to One Hosting Account and Install WordPress (Namecheap & CPanel)

How to Add Multiple Domains to One Hosting Account and Install WordPress (Namecheap & CPanel)

How to add another domain to your Namecheap hosting account and install WordPress to the add-on domain. We will be using our Namecheap account, CPanel, and WordPress.

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This video is for those who have purchased their domain and hosting from Namecheap. If your domain was purchased elsewhere you will need to manually change the nameservers. If you have hosting elsewhere, the add-on process is the same in CPanel.

▶If you are looking for hosting or domains, Namecheap is the place I look first. Use our affiliate link for great deals and support this channel at the same time


▶If you’re looking for more info about WordPress multi-sites, here are some resources:




If you already have Namecheap Shared hosting and a WordPress website, but you want to add another domain to your hosting account and install WordPress to your Add-on domain – we’ll cover that in this video.

First, if you haven’t done so, purchase a new domain name from Namecheap.

Then, login to your Namecheap account and click Domain List.

Find the domain you want to connect to your Namecheap Shared hosting account, and click MANAGE

Scroll down to NAMESERVERS and from the drop down select

“Namecheap Web Hosting DNS”

Click the CHECK Mark and that’s it. It may take up to 24hrs for the changes to take effect, but it’s usually within one hour.

Now that our DNS is set, we still need to connect the domain to our hosting account as an Add-On Domain.

So, login to your CPanel, and scroll down to Add-On domain.

Click Add-On Domains

Enter the domain name in the New Domain Name box, click in a gray area and the Subdomain and Document Root will be filled in automatically. You can change the Subdomain if needed. If you need an FTP account for this domain, check the box, if you don’t know what that is, then you don’t need it.

Click Add Domain, and that’s it. Now your domain is ready to use.

Before we install WordPress to our new domain, let’s install the free PositiveSSL, this step is totally optional.

We already have other domains running Wordpress in our Namecheap hosting account, but I want to install WordPress to our new Add-On domain as well. I want a separate install and not a Multi-Site, you can read more about Multi-Sites in the description, and decide if that is right for you.

So, from CPanel, scroll down to Softaculous Apps Installer, and under Scripts, select WordPress.

Choose Install Now

Make sure you are installing the latest version.

Choose your Protocol. Since we already installed our SSL I’ll choose https://, you can choose the www version if you prefer, but I think it’s redundant.

Now, the important part, make sure you choose the correct domain!

I’ll choose the sasquatch domain. Leave the ‘In Directory’ box blank unless you know what you are doing.

Give the site a name and description, you can always change this later in WordPress.

I do not want a Multi-Site, so I won’t check the box.

Choose an account name for this WordPress account. Then, you can choose your own password, or click the key to generate one. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THIS DOWN!

Add your email, this can be your domain email, or gmail, or outlook, whatever email you prefer.

Choose your language if need be. And then select any plugins you want installed. You don’t need to install any right now if you don’t want to as you can always do this from your WordPress dashboard later. Checkout wpCentral if you happen to have multiple WordPress sites. But for now I’ll only select Loginizer.

Finally, choose your initial theme if you want, if you don’t select one, the default will be installed.
Again, don’t worry about this now, since we can choose our theme later in WordPress.

Enter an email if you want to be notified once the install is done. And then click install.

And that’s it.

Now when you navigate to the URL you’ll see your blank website. Then, go ahead and login to WordPress and start creating your new WordPress site hosted on your Namecheap Shared hosting account. And any changes you make to your new WordPress site, will NOT effect the other sites you have hosted in your account.

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