
Uncharted 4: Thief`s End #shorts

Uncharted 4: Thief`s End #shorts

Uncharted 4: Thief`s End #shorts

Look, everyone has bad days, everyone has their own struggles, and there are moments when everyone thinks of giving up. But also, everyone deserves a nudge in the right direction, some advice and wisdom, and some encouragement. There’s no shame in getting inspired by others, and we need some motivation to draw from time to time.

But not all of the illustrations are only about positive thinking. Some of them critique our society and its ills and remind us what’s really important (spoiler: it’s not the likes or the money). The author reminds people about being compassionate and generous towards others, as you may never know what they’re going through, or you won’t end up in their place. Here and there, you can find some profound ideas hidden behind simply illustrated imagery.

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