
🔥 Top 50 MOST ASKED C# Interview Questions and Answers | C# Interview Prep

In this video, I will show 50 of the most asked C# interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your C# interview.

Enjoy the video!


00:00 Intro
00:30 #1 What is C#?
01:03 #2 How can you differentiate between C and C#, or how can you differentiate C from C#?
02:18 #3 Please explain CLR (Common Language Runtime).
03:10 #4 Explain Garbage collection/collector in C#
04:26 #5 What are the attributes in C#, and their significance?
04:55 #6 What’s the difference between Directcast and Ctype?
05:18 #7 What do you mean by Sealed classes in C#?
06:08 #8 What do you understand by the term enum in C#?
07:00 #9 What do you mean by namespace in C#?
07:34 #10 What, and who can be a member of the namespace?
07:47 #11 What do you mean by Thread pooling?
08:06 #12 What do you mean by Destructor in C#?
08:35 #13 How do you define Using a statement in C#?
08:55 #14 What do you mean by JIT compiler and its process?
09:41 #15 Elaborate on the differences between Abstract classes and interfaces. How many types of classes are there in C#?
11:10 #16 What is the difference between finalized and final blocks?
11:47 #17 What is the difference between read-only and constant in C#?
12:42 #18 Define C# I/O classes, and list down the commonly used classes
13:36 #19 What do you mean by inheritance, and does C# support inheritance?
15:00 #20 What’s the difference between Array and ArrayList?
16:15 #21 Define Async, and Await?
16:51 #22 How does exception handling work, and list down some types?
18:29 #23 What do you mean by custom control and user control?
19:28 #24 What do you mean by a tuple in C#?
20:22 #25 What’s the difference between “finalize” and “dispose” methods in C#?
20:44 #26 What do you mean by the singleton design pattern in C#?
21:42 #27 What do you mean by events in C#?
22:53 #28 How do you implement the singleton design pattern in C#?
23:17 #29 What do you mean by Jagged Arrays?
23:52 #30 What do you know about constructor chaining in C#?
24:20 #31 Explain the difference between systems.String, and System.Text.StringBuilder classes
25:01 #32 Give a syntax example for catching an exception in C#
25:37 #33 Can we execute multiple catch blocks in C#?
26:51 #34 What do you mean by Generics in C#?
27:27 #35 Explain race condition
27:49 #36 What are the features of Generics in C#?
28:29 #37 What is the difference between SortedList, and SortedDictionary in C#?
29:49 #38 What do you mean by delegates in C#?
30:14 #39 Explain accessibility modifiers in C#.
30:59 #40 What do you mean by Boxing and unboxing in C#?
32:18 #41 Explain the difference between class and struct in C#
32:53 #42 What do you mean by Reflection in C#?
33:15 #43 What do you mean by Multithreading in C#?
34:18 #44 What do you mean by virtual methods in C#?
35:12 #45 What do you mean by serialization?
35:46 #46 What do you mean by Hashtable in C#?
36:30 #47 Explain the difference between early binding and late binding in C#?
37:46 #48 Explain the difference between out and ref keywords.
38:27 #49 What do you mean by Partial classes in C#?
39:07 #50 What do you mean by LINQ in C#?
31:30 Outro

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