
Auto Layout Tutorial in Xcode with Swift for iOS 11 | iOS Development Tutorial

Auto Layout Tutorial in Xcode with Swift for iOS 11 | iOS Development Tutorial

DOWNLOAD PROJECTS: https://www.ductran.co/p/get-autolayout

Have you ever wanted to build universal apps meaning you build 1 app UI that can work on any screen size? That’s what Auto Layout in iOS will help you.

In this Auto Layout tutorial, you’ll learn:
+ What’s Auto Layout
+ How to add unambiguous constraints
+ Different kinds of constraints in Auto Layout.
+ Priorities in Auto Layout Constraints
+ How to programmatically create auto layout constraints
+ What’s Auto Layout Content Hugging Priority vs. Content Compression Resistence Priority
+ Stack View in iOS
+ How to create and use UIStackView with Auto Layout

First off, let’s download the starter project Duc prepared for you. Just simply enter your name and email on the page to get:
+ the starter and complete projects of this episode
+ Duc’s step-by-step video tutorial
+ Duc’s new training on How to Build Nike E-commerce Store WITHOUT Losing Your Shirt

It’s all awesome iOS development training for you, for FREE!

FREE DOWNLOAD: https://www.ductran.co/p/get-autolayout

Code Mastery is hosted by Duc Tran, founder of Developers Academy.

This is his free-style no notes, no teleprompter presentation and live coding broadcast with you guys everyday.

To join Duc’s free courses, register for free at http://ductran.co/


Duc Tran is founder of Developers Academy, one of the world’s leading iOS, Android and Web development trainers.

More than 2,000,000 developers have studied his video trainings; 100,000 developers see his posts each month. Each year, Duc has helped 20,000 plus developers graduate from his online courses or video series.

To subscribe and get free tutorials, courses and weekly content, visit me at: http://ductran.co/
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class NetworkProcessor
lazy var configuration: URLSessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
lazy var session: URLSession = URLSession(configuration: self.configuration)

let url: URL

init(url: URL)
self.url = url

typealias JSONDictionaryHandler = (([String : Any]?) – Void)

func downloadJSONFromURL(_ completion: @escaping JSONDictionaryHandler)
let request = URLRequest(url: self.url)
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in

if error == nil {

if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
switch httpResponse.statusCode {
case 200:
// successful response
if let data = data {
do {
let jsonDictionary = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers)

completion(jsonDictionary as? [String : Any])

} catch let error as NSError {
print(“Error processing json data: (error.localizedDescription)”)


print(“HTTP Reponse Code: (httpResponse.statusCode)”)

} else {
print(“Error: (error?.localizedDescription)”)


Full access to source code: https://ductran.co/p/weather-rest-api

Episode tags: duc tran, ductran.co, developers academy, REST, REST API, REST API in ios tutorial, ios REST API, how to parse json, parse json in ios, parse json, parse json swift, parse json swift tutorial, parse json in Swift, alamofire, alamofire tutorial, uicollectionview, json ios, ios json parsing, ios json, ios json tutorial, json swift tutorial, swift json tutorial, parse json in ios,swiftyjson, nsurlsession, urlsession, firebase, alamofire, alamofire tutorial, alamofire swift tutorial, auto layout xcode,auto layout constraints,ios auto layout,duc tran,ductran.co, how to make an app,how to build an app,how to build ios app,xcode tutorial,swift tutorial for beginner,how to build an ios app, how to build an ios app in swift, xcode storyboard tutorial,build ios app xcode,auto layout table view

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