
Create a Simple QRCODE using GO QRCODE | Golang Tutorial | QRCODE in GO

Create a Simple QRCODE using GO QRCODE | Golang Tutorial | QRCODE in GO

Create a Simple QR CODE using go-QRcode in 2 mins.

Package QRcode implements a QR Code encoder.

A QR Code is a matrix (two-dimensional) barcode. Arbitrary content may be encoded, with URLs being a popular choice 🙂

Each QR Code contains error recovery information to aid in reading damaged or obscured codes. There are four levels of error recovery: Low, medium, high, and highest. QR Codes with a higher recovery level is more robust to damage, at the cost of being physically larger.
Install: go get -u github.com/skip2/go-qrcode

#golang #GolangQRCODE #qrcode #GoQRcode #GolangTutorial #golangBeginners

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