
Problem Solving in 2D Arrays – 3 | Prefix Sum | Lecture 23 | Java and DSA Foundation Course

Problem Solving in 2D Arrays – 3 | Prefix Sum | Lecture 23 | Java and DSA Foundation Course

“After a series of classes on arrays, here we are with the final class. Hope that you are practicing the lecture problems and assignment questions. We recommend that you be regular with the classes and practice to gain the maximum out of this series.
In this class, Manvi mam is going to cover the prefix sum concept-based problems on 2-D arrays.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Let us meet in the class then!

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00:00 – Introduction
00:45 – Recap
04:18 – For a given matrix ‘a’ of dimension nxm and coordinates (l1, r1) to (l2, r2), return the sum of rectangle from (l1, r1) to (l2, r2)
10:46 – Code
13:33 – Alternate method/ Method 2
24:18 – Code
34:20 – Alternate method/ Method 3
52:21 – Code
01:02:00 – Dry run
01:07:29 – Summary

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