NTDTV: Chinese Regime Blocks Personal Website Domain Registrations

NTDTV: Chinese Regime Blocks Personal Website Domain Registrations

NTDTV: Chinese Regime Blocks Personal Website Domain Registrations

The state-run organization that oversees Chinas Internet domain registration has recently announced some new rules—rules that many fear will further restrict online activities.

Under the regulations put in place by the China Internet Network Information Center, only those with a business license can register for a dot-CN domain—which is used to identify China-based websites. This means private citizens are effectively barred from owning a personal website domain.

Chinas Ministry of Industry and Information has also announced five measures to manage domain names. These include tightening the registration procedure for those wanting a dot-CN domain, and restricting access to foreign websites not registered with the Ministry.

According state-run media Xinhua, the measures are meant to tackle online pornography.

But a professor from the Communication University of China echoed the fears of many Chinese. He told state-run Global Times that the latest measures will increase obstacles for those who want to express themselves online, and ultimately restrict the development of the Internet.

NTDTV’s official YouTube Channel got taken down for some weird reason, so I thought it would be a good time to upload some of their noteworthy videos again and it’s also to remind you guys that you can actually still find ALL their programming on their website: http://english.ntdtv.com – So just cause Google is probably bowing to China again doesn’t mean they are gone – go visit their website, they don’t only have news on human rights in China, but have 24 hour programming with live streaming.