
cURL – The only HTTP client you'll ever need | Practical Bash & Terminal #9

cURL – The only HTTP client you'll ever need | Practical Bash & Terminal #9

curl is my favorite command line HTTP client. Yes, there are newer and “fancier” clients available. But curl is great at what it does and you’ll find it pre-installed on most linux/unix-like environments.

As a web-dev I build and use a lot of REST/HTTP APIs in my daily life. While I rely on automated testing a lot, there’s always a place for some exploratory testing – and that’s when you should be the most comfortable with the http client you probably already have installed.

This video is a bit longer than usual, as I tried to cram a lot of information into it. Driven by my enthusiasm for curl, I hope you’ll find the video as helpful as I found it fun to create it. Enjoy!

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