【AI Insight News】OpenAI's New Embedding Models and API Updates: Improved Performance, Reduced Pricing, and Enhanced C

AI Insight News :OpenAI's New Embedding Models and API Updates: Improved Performance, Reduced Pricing, and Enhanced C

OpenAI's New Embedding Models and API Updates: Improved Performance, Reduced Pricing, and Enhanced C

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OpenAI has announced the launch of new embedding models, including a smaller and more efficient text-embedding-3-small model and a larger and more powerful text-embedding-3-large model. These models offer improved performance and reduced pricing compared to previous models. OpenAI has also introduced new ways for developers to manage API keys and understand API usage. They have released an updated GPT-4 Turbo preview model, a new GPT-3.5 Turbo model with lower pricing, and an updated text moderation model. These updates aim to provide developers with more flexibility and control over their usage of OpenAI’s APIs. The comments discuss topics such as the effectiveness of dimensionality reduction techniques, comparisons with other embedding models, the impact on latency, and the performance of the new GPT-4 Turbo model.

🔗 https://openai.com/blog/new-embedding-models-and-api-updates

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