
Certification for Google Android Developer – Review

Certification for Google Android Developer – Review

Useful Links

My Credential – https://www.credential.net/580b5fd3-42dd-4bd9-ad91-932414f0f803#gs.fxoo15

Take the Exame Here –

Need to prepare more? Take some coursers for free here – https://developer.android.com/courses


Hey There, my name is Lucas Primo and in this video I’m going to tell you all about my experience taking the Android Developer Certification Exam. In case you have some doubts, keep watching and check it out.


Before the Exam

There are some things you got know before starting the exam.

The first thing you have to register, and for it you have to present a government issued ID. Yeah!? They give the examples of driver’s licence and passport as accepted documents. But in my case as brazilian, our driver’s licences do not fit as government issued ID so had to take a passport to be able to take the exam. So before starting the registration make sure you have some accepted ID.

Second, you have to pay 149 usd dollars (which in my country’s money is about one thousand bucks, hard times, I know) That’s all for the second.

And Third, once you finish your registration and payment, you don’t have to start the exam immediately, you are going to have a button available so you can start it when it’s better for you. Once you click the button and start you will have 8 hours to finish the exam.

The Exam

The exam consists of a project that is downloaded in your Android Studio through a plugin specifically developed for the exam. Once you have the project you will have some tasks to do about the given project. These tasks will involve fixing bugs and crashes, adding new functionalities, finishing incomplete features.

I don’t know how many different tests they have, but I’m sure they are different, because after doing this test I’ve talked to a friend that took this test some weeks before me and his project was different than mine. So don’t expect to find the exact answers on the internet, so you’d better be prepared for anything considering their Exam content.

I used all the 8 hours to finish the exam, every single minute. I started it cool, thinking it was a lot of time, but after some hours you see it’s not that much. During the test you can research for some concepts or general doubts you find, it’s ok, and I did it.

After the Exam

After the exam you will probably be relieved, Uff, I was a little bit worried about the results, yes, but not anxious anymore about if I was ready or not for it. But you still got an Exit Interview as they call it. I couldn’t find information on their website but you have some days, maybe 2 days after you finish your exam to take this interview. And you are going to need a camera to record your answers to this interview. Generally they are answers about the project you’ve worked on.


If you don’t feel prepared for doing the exam yet I let some links below, one is for some courses provided by google, so you can study and get prepare, they have beginner, intermediate and advanced courses there.

On the exam page they also have a Study guide, that lists the topics of the exam content, and has links for Android Documentation so you can study something that you specifically need to understand better.

If you have some doubt or tip about this certifications please let me know in the comments, I will be happy to help you if I can, and to learn with you.

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