【Web3富翁區塊學院】WOW! A boon for cryptocurrency investors! A free AI smart contract auditing tool#web3 #solidity

Web3富翁區塊學院 :WOW! A boon for cryptocurrency investors! A free AI smart contract auditing tool#web3 #solidity

WOW! A boon for cryptocurrency investors! A free AI smart contract auditing tool#web3 #solidity

WOW! A boon for cryptocurrency investors! A free AI smart contract auditing tool#web3 #solidity #gpts #gptstore #gpt4 #chatgpt
Web3 Learning Resources + Discord Community: https://web3school.info/
Web3 Panda Audit(GPTs):https://chat.openai.com/g/g-OZEuSClyg

\🏫 Web3 Project Crash Course (Superior 1.0) /
(Now accepting pre-registrations, limited discount slots available)

■ Learn to develop and operate WEB3 blockchain projects in 2 months
1) Learn how to quickly develop your WEB3 projects for rapid implementation
2) Join our “Classmates” Discord community for communication
3) 1-on-1 private coaching

Registration link: https://web3school.info/

※ The old you might have lost 1-2 thousand USDT in dog projects, which may have been acceptable losses. But it’s better to invest that loss with a purpose. Don’t be a scapegoat; create your own projects, hold the scythe yourself.

We’ll see you later…

\🧰️ Recommended Learning Materials /
■ “Mastering Ethereum”: https://youtu.be/WNedW_47pqY
■ “Web3 Learning Notes – Da Gang”: https://youtu.be/ddUXA45V3tk
■ “Deploy PancakeSwap in 10 Minutes”: https://youtu.be/VeuS4J_4xoQ
■ “Find Remote Work in 10 Minutes”: https://youtu.be/hozovkc0OTg

\📚 My Free Resources /
■ Essential Blockchain Code Editor: https://youtu.be/E1Pn5csjnGc
■ Quick Guide to Using Remix: https://youtu.be/AY4RQW1o4LE
■ Rapidly Learn Solidity Basic Syntax: https://youtu.be/mCVwOTpScsY