【Jobs in AI】Framework comparing ChatGPT /GPT4 strength and weaknesses to help in building product use case ideas

Jobs in AI :Framework comparing ChatGPT /GPT4 strength and weaknesses to help in building product use case ideas

Framework comparing ChatGPT /GPT4 strength and weaknesses to help in building product use case ideas

Dashboard link: https://public.tableau.com/views/FrameworkforbuildingusecaseswithChatGPTGPT4/ComparisonChatGPTVsGPT4?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Table of Contents

Intro 0:00
Why care about the difference between ChatGPT and GPT4 0:32
Framework Dimension: Limitation 2:21
Limitation 1: Hallucination 2:36
Limitation 2: Context Window 3:42
Limitation 3: Bias 5:08
Framework Dimension: Capability 7:27
Capability 1: Step-by-Step explanation 7:47
Capability 2: Text summarization 8:23
Capability 3: Specific training to improve performance 8:38
Framework Dimension: Skills 9:24
Understanding the dashboard 9:48
Skills 1: Code 11:10
Skills 2: Maths 12:49
Skills 3: Wine( general recommendation ability) 16:31
Skills 4: Science 17:02
Skills 5: Statistics 19:46
Skills 6: Law 20:21
Complete Framework: 21.18

1. Bill Gates full interview on GPT4: https://youtu.be/bHb_eG46v2c
2. GPT4 Technical Report : https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4.pdf

Clips used
1) Cast Away (Wilson) https://youtu.be/mgh0nSkIy04
2) Shrek https://youtu.be/SjG99OLFNmg