The Hindu:What is ChatGPT? | The Hindu

The Hindu :What is ChatGPT? | The Hindu

What is ChatGPT? | The Hindu

In 1964, researchers at MIT university were working on a computer program. A program so ahead of its time that it would allow seamless communication between humans and machines.

By 1966, they built ELIZA, an app that would set the foundation for all future chatbots. What made ELIZA so impressive was the introduction of keyword-enabled responses. For the first time, users felt they were talking to someone who understood their input.

By 1995, another language processing bot, A.L.I.C.E, came out and was followed by SmarterChild in 2001, setting the stage for all the current generation chatbots.

However, a decade later, the introduction of AI chatbots like Amazon Alexa, Google Now and Siri took the world by storm.

But in November 2022, an artificial intelligence research firm called OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, an advanced AI-powered chatbot that has taken the world by storm.

Let’s understand what ChatGPT is.

Script and production: Richard Kujur

#chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #chatbot

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