
What is command line interface ? and why do we need it | CMD | Powershell | Terminal | Bash

What is command line interface ? and why do we need it | CMD | Powershell | Terminal | Bash

A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a text-based interface for interacting with a computer or software application. It allows users to issue commands to a computer or program by typing text-based commands into a terminal or command prompt. The CLI is an alternative to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which use graphical elements such as windows, icons, and buttons to facilitate user interaction.

In a CLI, users typically type commands and arguments directly into a command prompt or terminal window. These commands are interpreted by the operating system or application, and they perform various tasks or operations in response. CLI commands are often entered in the form of text strings, and they are usually case-sensitive.

CLI offers several advantages, including:

Efficiency: Skilled users can perform tasks more quickly by typing commands directly, as opposed to navigating through graphical menus and options.

Automation: CLI commands can be scripted and automated, making it easier to perform repetitive tasks or complex sequences of operations.

Precision: CLI provides fine-grained control over system or software settings and configurations, allowing users to specify exactly what they want.

Remote Access: Many servers and network devices are configured and managed through CLI, allowing administrators to access and control them remotely.

Resource Efficiency: CLI consumes fewer system resources than GUIs, making it a preferred choice for managing servers and other resource-constrained environments.

Common examples of command-line interfaces include:

Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe): Used in Microsoft Windows.
PowerShell: An advanced command-line shell and scripting language for Windows.
Terminal: The default CLI for macOS and Linux.
Command shells for various Unix-like operating systems, such as Bash, Zsh, and Tcsh.
Command-line tools for various software applications and development environments, including Git, Python, and many others.
CLI is often favored by system administrators, software developers, and power users who need precise control over their systems and applications. While it may have a steeper learning curve than GUIs, mastering the command line can lead to increased productivity and greater control over computer systems.

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