Convert Perl script to Python dedupe 2 files based on hash keys

Convert Perl script to Python dedupe 2 files based on hash keys

Convert Perl script to Python dedupe 2 files based on hash keys

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of converting a Perl script to Python for deduplicating two files based on hash keys. This task is commonly performed when you have two files with structured data and you want to remove duplicates based on a specific key or attribute. We will provide a Python code example to achieve this task.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
To convert a Perl script to Python, it’s essential to understand the original Perl script. In this example, we assume you have a Perl script that reads two input files, creates a hash (associative array) using a specific key, and then writes unique records to an output file based on that key.
Here is a simplified Perl script:
In this script, it reads data from two input files (file1.txt and file2.txt) and creates a hash (%hash) using a key from the input lines. Then, it reads the second file, checks if the key exists in the hash, and writes unique records to an output file (output.txt).
Now, let’s convert the Perl script to Python. The Python equivalent uses dictionaries for key-value storage and is more readable. We will use the same file structure and logic as the Perl script.
Here’s the equivalent Python code: