
Gin API Go हिंदी | gin basic auth ( login ) With Middleware in Golang ( Hindi )

Gin API Go हिंदी | gin basic auth ( login ) With Middleware in Golang ( Hindi )

Securing Your API with Token-Based Authentication in Golang and Gin

This code demonstrates how to build a basic API using the Gin web framework in the Go programming language while implementing token-based authentication for secure access to certain routes.

Main Application (main.go):

In the main.go file, you’re setting up the core structure of your API:

Gin Initialization: You create a new Gin router instance and configure it to use a custom authentication middleware named Authenticate.

Route Definitions: You define two API routes: /getdata and /getsingledata. These routes return JSON responses, and they are not accessible without proper authentication.

Server Start: You start the Gin server, which listens on a default port.

Middleware (middleware.go):

The middleware package contains the custom authentication middleware and a helper function:

Authentication Middleware (Authenticate): This middleware function checks for the presence of an “auth” token in the HTTP request header. If the token is not present or doesn’t match the expected value, it returns a 500 status code with an error message. Otherwise, it allows the request to proceed to the route handlers.

Text Function (Text): This function prints “Hello” to the console but isn’t currently used in your main application.

Token-Based Authentication:

This code demonstrates a basic form of token-based authentication. To access protected routes like /getdata and /getsingledata, clients must include an “auth” token in the request header. You can adapt this authentication mechanism to fit your application’s requirements and security needs.


This code provides a starting point for building a secure API with token-based authentication using the Gin framework in Go. To enhance security and meet your specific use case, consider implementing user authentication and authorization logic and securing the token generation and validation processes.

Feel free to expand upon this code to create a robust authentication system and build your desired API endpoints.

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