How can I print only every third index in Perl or Python

How can I print only every third index in Perl or Python

How can I print only every third index in Perl or Python

Certainly! Here’s an informative tutorial on how to print every third index in an array or list using both Perl and Python, along with code examples for each language.
First, let’s create an array in Perl that we want to print every third element from.
You can iterate through the array using a for loop and print elements at every third index.
In this code, we use the modulo operator % to check if the index $i is a multiple of 3 (i.e., every third index), and if so, we print the element.
First, let’s create a list in Python that we want to print every third element from.
You can iterate through the list using a for loop and print elements at every third index.
In this code, we use the modulo operator % to check if the index i is a multiple of 3 (i.e., every third index), and if so, we print the element.
Here are the complete Perl and Python examples:
These examples will print the elements at every third index (indices 2, 5, and 8 in this case) from the array or list. You can modify the array or list values and indices as needed for your specific use case.