Learn Golang: Building Scalable and Fast APIs | CRUD | Part 2

Learn Golang: Building Scalable and Fast APIs | CRUD | Part 2

Learn Golang: Building Scalable and Fast APIs | CRUD | Part 2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeveloperTak
Github: https://github.com/Thabish-Kader

Github repo:https://github.com/Thabish-Kader/go-rest

0:00 intro/demo
0:32 initializing project
3:47 mongodb connection
7:59 What is context in Golang? and example on context
12:44 connecting to database
14:54 load .env function
16:25 continuing ConnectDb()
19:45 handling error in env
21:15 function to get collection in mongodb
24:11 Go fiber / creating server
27:04 creating routes
30:01 Model
33:07 CREATE
42:12 debugging
46:41 GET
42:38 json and bson
51:41 testing GET
52:48 GET ALL
56:55 testing GET ALL
57:10 DELETE
1:00:00 testing DELETE
1:00:53 UPDATE
1:04:37 testing UPDATE