
Creating Files and DIrectories using Shell script

Creating Files and DIrectories using Shell script

In this video, I demonstrate how to create files and directories using a shell script. Learn the basics of shell scripting and file/directory manipulation.

Create files and directories using a shell script by using commands like mkdir to create directories and touch to create files. Here’s a basic example of how to create directories and files using a shell script:

Once created, Save this script to a file.
Then, you can run the script using: Bash.

This script will create a directory called “my_directory,” change into it, create a file called “my_file.txt,” add the text “Hello, World!” to the file, list the contents of the directory, and then change back to the parent directory and list its contents.

You can modify the script to create directories and files with different names and content as needed for your specific use case.
#ShellScripting, #FileManagement, #LinuxCommands
#Programming, #Coding, #BashScripting
#FileCreation, #DirectoryCreation, #CodeExamples
#Linux, #Terminal, #ScriptingTutorial, #devops, #devopsculture, #devopstutorialsforbeginners, #dev, #git, #shell, #realtime, #basicproject,
#ProgrammingTips, #LearnToCode, #CommandLine

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