NodeJS: Basic Packages and Environment Setup

NodeJS: Basic Packages and Environment Setup

NodeJS: Basic Packages and Environment Setup

#PraveenClasses #webdevelopment #nodejs #backend #nodejstutorial

Topics we Discuss in this Video (For Full Stack Training Please Contact us: 9561214818)
 NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment.
 Nodemon should be installed globally.
 Nodemon tool will help us to watch the code, if any changes occur in the code, it be re-executed automatically.
 REPL (read, evaluate, process, loop) means it’s a shell where we can write directly JavaScript instructions and it executes line by line.
 If we had any global objects, we need not to import anything.
 Process is a program under execution is known as process.
 Global object like process has information like system arch, version, platform, kill, exit, env etc…
 Import OS module.

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