
Why does DOS use 8.3 Filenames? [Byte Size] | Nostalgia Nerd

Why does DOS use 8.3 Filenames? [Byte Size] | Nostalgia Nerd

Back with another Byte size and another question; Ever wondered why DOS used short file names? Otherwise known as the 8.3 filename format. Further to that, do you want to know how we moved from these short file names to long file names with Windows ’95? If so, then this is the episode for you.

I’ll be discussing, Windows NT, and the NTFS file system. FAT, Root directories, FAT16, FAT12.. even FAT8! There’s a face of Bill Gates & Marc McDonald of Microsoft, along with Tim Patterson of Seattle Computer Products, as we delve into BASIC-86 and even 86 DOS, before Microsoft bought the rights back and made it into the short file name operating system of glory it became.

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Lumix G6 with Vario 14-42mm Lens
Nikon D3200 with 40mm Macro
Corel Video Studio Ultimate X9
Corel Paint Shop Pro X6
Blue Snowball Microphone

Music is “Digital Solitude”, “Real World” & “Take You Home” from the Youtube audio library and Canyon.mid from Windows 3.1

If you believe I have forgotten to attribute anything in this video, please let me know, so I can add the source in. It takes time to make these videos and therefore it can be easy to forget things or make a mistake.

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