
Test Suites, Test Organization, Managing setup and teardown hands on using Golang

Test Suites, Test Organization, Managing setup and teardown hands on using Golang

You can find the source code at https://github.com/SivaprasadTamatam/go-testing/tree/main/dbops

Creating Test Suites
Grouping related tests using test suites:
While Go’s testing framework doesn’t have built-in support for test suites, you can create a test suite-like structure using regular Go code.
One way to organize your tests is by creating a separate test file for each package and grouping related tests within that package’s test file.
You can use the Test prefix to indicate test functions.

Managing setup and teardown:
To manage setup and teardown for tests, you can use the defer keyword to ensure that teardown code is executed even if the test fails. By placing the setup and teardown logic in functions, you can reuse them across multiple test functions.

It’s important to keep the setup and teardown logic isolated and specific to the package or test suite to maintain a clean and organized testing structure.

Test Organization Best Practices
Structuring Your Test Code: Keep your test code organized by structuring it in a similar directory hierarchy as your production code

Naming Conventions: Follow a consistent naming convention for your test functions. Use names like TestFunctionName to indicate the function being tested. Make your test function names descriptive to provide clear information about what’s being tested.

Directory Structure: As your project grows, you can organize your tests into separate subdirectories based on different components, modules, or features of your application. This helps keep your tests organized and easier to manage.

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