How to Sell a Domain Names at GoDaddy

How to Sell a Domain Names at GoDaddy

How to Sell a Domain Names at GoDaddy

How to Sell a Domain Name at GoDaddy. Using GoDaddy to sell a domain name is pretty simple. ➤ Domain Name Auctions –

➤ $4.99 .COM Domain Names –


In this video I go over how to sell your domain names at GoDaddy. I am a member of the Domain name auction club so I do get some perks.

When you sell your domain name you can list it as an offer/counter offer, a buy it now, a 7-day auction or a set price.

If you have a lot of domains to sell, you can upload and edit multiple domain names to sell in bulk at one time.

Be Careful with GoDaddy though, the are the kings of upsells. Make sure that you uncheck the premium marketplace listing and frontpage domain name category, unless you want those extras.

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