Environmental Damage of X-Press Perl Ship. Expert Insight by Prof. Prasanthi in Response to Sajith P

Environmental Damage of X-Press Perl Ship. Expert Insight by Prof. Prasanthi in Response to Sajith P

Environmental Damage of X-Press Perl Ship. Expert Insight by Prof. Prasanthi in Response to Sajith P

Uncovering the True Cost: Calculating Environmental Damage from X-Press Perl Ship | Expert Insight by Prof. Prasanthi in Response to Opposition Leader
X-Press Perl නැවේ පරිසර හානිය තක්සේරු කලේ කොහොමද? සජිත්ගේ ප්‍රශ්නයට මහාචාර්ය ප්‍රසන්ති දුන් පිලිතුර – කැස්බාවන්ට, පිළිකා අවදානම තක්සේරු කල හැටි environmental valuation methods.
0:00 What are the environmental impacts of this disaster?
0:43 Methods used for calculation of damage by the ship
1:00 contingent valuation method
Effect on turtles
2:02 Impact to fish consumers
2:16 damage due to oil
2:26 Nitrogen and air pollution damage
2:42 carcinogens
2:57 plastic burning and release of dioxins
3:16 death due to cancer
3:32 microplastic damage
3:46 effect on turtle tourism