Gin API Go हिंदी | take values from get method in Golang ( Hindi )

Gin API Go हिंदी | take values from get method in Golang ( Hindi )

Gin API Go हिंदी | take values from get method in Golang ( Hindi )

To retrieve values from a GET method in Go using query parameters and URL path parameters, you can follow these general steps:

Query Parameters:

Use the gin.Context object to access query parameters from the URL.
Extract query parameters using c.Query(“param_name”).
URL Path Parameters (Route Parameters):

Define route parameters in the route path using :param_name.
Access URL path parameters using c.Param(“param_name”).
Here’s a description of how to do this:

Query Parameters:
In the route handler function, use c.Query(“param_name”) to retrieve values from query parameters in the URL. For example, if the URL is /example?param1=value1&param2=value2, you can access param1 and param2 using c.Query(“param1”) and c.Query(“param2”).

URL Path Parameters (Route Parameters):
Define route parameters in your route path by using :param_name. For example, /user/:id defines a route parameter id. You can access the value of id using c.Param(“id”).

Remember to import the necessary packages, create a Gin router, define your routes, and implement route handlers accordingly.