Golang for Beginners: Build High-Performance Applications with Go | The basics | Part 1

Golang for Beginners: Build High-Performance Applications with Go | The basics | Part 1

Golang for Beginners: Build High-Performance Applications with Go | The basics | Part 1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeveloperTak
Github: https://github.com/Thabish-Kader

Github repo: https://github.com/Thabish-Kader/learn-go

0:00 intro/demo
0:43 hello world and initializing main.go
3:38 variables and walrus operator
6:03 arrays and slices
9:14 for loops
12:45 maps
16:25 range
18:23 structs
21:04 interface
25:58 *(dereference operator) and & (address of operator)