
Installing Custom Launchers on Amazon Fire Tablets (And keep it persistent between reboots)

Installing Custom Launchers on Amazon Fire Tablets (And keep it persistent between reboots)

Been a minute since my last tech vid lmao

This method was tested on the 8 inch Fire 8 model on Android 11, and does not require the installation of Fire Toolbox or any other 3rd party software other than your launcher itself. (Because Amazon broke Fire Toolbox via firmware updates a while ago)

Steps & Commands:

Ideally you should install your third-party launcher BEFORE doing these steps, all of this is just to ENABLE IT PERMANENTLY.

1) Make sure adb is installed, linux is reccomended.

Ubuntu/debian linux distros: sudo apt install adb
Arch-based linux distros: sudo pacman -s adb

2) Connect tablet to pc via usb cable

3) Setup USB debugging & authorize your computer with the tablet using the steps showcased at 1:00 to 2:14

4) Confirm adb recognizes the tablet with this command, if something shows, all is well so far.

adb devices

5) Drop into the adb shell with this

adb shell

6) Unlock the tablet so you’re on the home screen

7) Now disable the stock launcher with this command, don’t touch the tablet yet.

pm disable-user –user 0 com.amazon.firelauncher

8) If a dialogue appears on the tablet screen to switch launchers, select nova launcher, or whatever non-stock launcher you want to use

9). If no dialogue appears, and you happen to be using Nova Launcher, try this command next it might work. (this is the extra command showed at the end)

pm set-home-activity com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher

Enjoy and give Jeff the middle finger hopefully 😀

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