Code Coverage Analysis in Go Hands On

Code Coverage Analysis in Go Hands On

Code Coverage Analysis in Go   Hands On

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Code coverage analysis in Golang is a critical aspect of testing and quality assurance. It helps you understand which parts of your code are tested and which parts are not. Go has built-in support for code coverage analysis, which makes it relatively straightforward to measure the coverage of your tests.

Install the Testing Tools: Need to install some testing tools, primarily the go test and go tool cover commands.
go get

Run Your Tests with Coverage Analysis: To run your tests with coverage analysis, use the -cover flag when running go test.
go test -cover ./…

Analyze the Coverage Report: After running the tests, will see a summary of coverage in your terminal. It will display the percentage of code covered by your tests

Generate HTML Report: We can generate a more detailed HTML report to see which lines of code are covered and which are not.
go test -coverprofile=coverage ./…
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html