
Writing Golang Unit Tests – Hands On

Writing Golang Unit Tests – Hands On

You can find the source code here https://github.com/SivaprasadTamatam/go-testing

We will delve into the fundamentals of writing unit tests in Go. Unit tests are designed to evaluate the correctness of individual units of code, such as functions and methods, in isolation. They form the foundation of a comprehensive testing strategy and are essential for ensuring the reliability of your codebase.

Getting Started with Testing
Creating a Test File:
In Go, test files should have a special naming convention: they must end with _test.go. We’ll learn how to create a test file for a Go package and organize our tests.

The testing Package:
Introducing the testing package, which provides essential functions and types for writing tests in Go.

Running Tests with go test:
How to use the go test command to run tests in your project.

Lets write 1st test case

Test Functions and Naming Conventions
Test Function Basics:
Understanding the structure of a test function and its key components.
Naming Conventions:
Learn about Go’s naming conventions for test functions, which make it easy to associate tests with the code they validate.
Test Function Parameters:
Explore the *testing.T parameter and its role in testing functions.

Testing Fundamentals
Writing Assertions:
How to use the t.Error, t.Fail, and t.Errorf functions to write test assertions.
Testing Error Cases:
Writing tests that validate how your code handles errors and unexpected inputs.
Running and Analyzing Test Results:
Understanding the test output and interpreting the results of test runs.

Table-Driven Tests
Introduction to Table-Driven Tests:
An advanced testing technique that involves using tables to run multiple test cases with the same test function.
Creating Test Tables:
How to create test tables containing input data and expected output.
Iterating Over Test Cases:
Using loops to iterate through test cases in a table and run tests efficiently.

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