
Understanding domain names | 123-reg

Understanding domain names | 123-reg

Hi, welcome to our nice and easy introduction to domain names.

Domain names play a very important part in the way we use websites. Why? Website addresses are initially formed out of numbers. On their own, these numbers would make very little sense to most of us. So domain names replace the numbers with a language that we can all understand.

Overall, domain names are straightforward enough, but they still need a little explanation.

So we’ve produced 4 short tutorials to help you understand all things domain name related.

The first 2 videos will answer a couple of simple questions ‘What is a domain name?’ and ‘What are domain name extensions?’

Then we’ll take a look at ‘How to choose a domain name’ and ‘How to register a domain name’.

So sit back and relax…you’ll be a domain name wizard in next to no time!


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