
VMware Project Keswick

VMware Project Keswick

Project Keswick is an xLabs project originating in the Advanced Technology Group in VMware’s Office of the CTO.

Keswick will work on any VMware-certified hardware as a highly-optimized deployment endpoint for Kubernetes workloads — making it easier for customers to deploy, manage, and maintain containerized applications seamlessly. In addition, Keswick deployment is entirely automated and uses Git as a single source of truth for a declarative way to manage your infrastructure and applications through desired state configuration enabled by GitOps. This ensures the infrastructure and applications running at the Edge are always exactly what they need to be.

Keswick ensures security and reduces attack surface area through workload isolation, control plane isolation from workers, and enforcing no state sharing between apps. In addition, Keswick is lightweight and provides necessary services, only requiring a small amount of memory, CPU, and disk footprint.

Keswick is an edge solution with no compromise, providing customers with real-time support and ensuring maximum performance while maintaining security.

Read this blog to learn more about Project Keswick: https://octo.vmware.com/project-keswick/

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